
The Anaerobic Baffled Bio-Digester, ABBD, is a hybrid of the fixed Dome Digester and the Anaerobic Baffled Reactor used for treating wastewater. The ABBD is designed to use local building materials and technical skills of workmen and artisans in the locality to make it a sustainable addition to the stock of systems which can be used in decentralized wastewater treatment systems, DEWATS. Time for construction is between 20 and 30 days. The Hydraulic Retention Time required to treat the wastewater determines the size/volume of the ABBD. The basic cost of an ABBD is USD333 per m3.

Keywords: Anaerobic, Blackwater, Bio-Digester, DEWATS


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 How to Cite
Quashie, A. et al. 2019. The Anaerobic Baffled Bio-Digester for Blackwater treatment. International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention. 5, 12 (Nov. 2019), 1to 5.

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