
The migration of rural Liberians to Monrovia in pursuit of employment opportunities, higher education, basic government, and commercial services has led to an annual population growth rate of 3.42%. This has led to an increase in the number of vehicles in the city causing huge traffic congestion on roads in the city, intersections experience frequent congestion, with vehicles queuing up and experiencing delays due to the stop-and-start flow of traffic. This research focuses on the traffic congestion situation at the Vomoma intersection as a case study for a broader evaluation of the traffic congestion at major intersections in Monrovia. The research assessed the existing congestion level and proposed a redesigned three-leg intersection in accordance with AASHTO 2018 guidelines for intersection design. The proposed design presents several features to eliminate traffic congestion and improve traffic flow. This includes the addition of an auxiliary lane, which serves a dual purpose by separating turning vehicles and facilitating smoother traffic movement. Channelization measures, such as the use of a median are introduced to streamline traffic, and an integrated zebra crossing to enhance pedestrian safety, particularly for individuals with special needs (disability).

Keywords: Traffic congestion, Intersection, AASHTO 2018, Geometric design, Nigeria, Lithuania


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 How to Cite
Gboe, N.A. and Barnabas, H. 2024. Evaluation and Redesign of Major Intersections in Monrovia for Efficient Traffic Flow: Case Study of Vomoma Intersection. International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention. (Aug. 2024), 14–22.

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